Reimbursement based on an addition

As a litigant, you can submit your situation to us free of charge and without obligation in some jurisdictions, these are cases in which we work on the basis of an addition (subsidized legal aid by the government, provided you qualify for it). In this conversation we will immediately tell you what we can or cannot do for you. This way you immediately have clarity and you know where you stand.

Reimbursement through your legal expenses insurance

Legal expenses insurers will often offer their own lawyers and/or jurists. However, in the Netherlands you have the right to choose an independent lawyer and/or legal assistance provider. Do you have legal expenses insurance? Then you can appeal to this. As soon as you have to deal with a judicial or administrative procedure, you have the right to choose your own legal assistance provider / legal representative. If you choose to be assisted by our office, your legal assistance insurer is obliged to reimburse these costs on your behalf. In practice, this means that you will be assisted by our office completely free of charge.

Hourly rate and fixed price agreements

Our firm attaches great importance to a good and long-term relationship with our clients. We believe that the law should be accessible and affordable for everyone. The rates differ per jurisdiction, this will be discussed mutually.

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