Asylum Law / Asylum application

Immigration and asylum law
Our office can assist you from the start of your asylum procedure. Our office specializes in asylum law and has more than 13 years of experience in this field. Every case is unique and we therefore always look at the personal circumstances of the asylum seeker and ensure that the asylum seeker is well prepared for the interviews of the IND. Our office is especially specialized in asylum seekers from the Middle East such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kurdistan, as we can speak to the asylum seeker directly in their own language (Farsi/Dari) without having to use an interpreter. This means that we can optimally understand the asylum seeker and understand what makes the asylum procedure stronger.
But clients from other countries are also familiar to us due to our many years of experience with all kinds of nationalities and cultures. In such cases, we therefore always engage an interpreter who is reimbursed by the government.
If it is your first asylum application, our office can assist you by means of an addition (legal assistance subsidized by the government). But we are also familiar with repeated asylum applications. Our office is also known for filing repeated asylum applications; that were not assessed credibly during their initial application.
You can get an asylum residence permit if you meet one of the following conditions:
– You have valid reasons to fear persecution in your country of origin because of your race, religion, nationality, political opinion. Or because you belong to a certain social group. These reasons are stated in the Refugee Convention.
– You have valid reasons to fear the death penalty or execution, torture. Or any other inhuman or degrading treatment in your country of origin.
– You have valid reasons to fear that you will become a victim of indiscriminate violence due to an armed conflict in your country of origin.
– Your husband or wife, partner, father, mother or minor child recently received an asylum residence permit in the Netherlands.
We advise everyone to always consult a lawyer before reporting to Ter Apel. This prevents errors and contradictions later in the procedure.
How does an asylum procedure start?
A foreign national who applies for asylum in the Netherlands must report to the application center (AC) of the IND in Ter Apel. The Department of Aliens Police, Identification and Human Trafficking (AVIM) is located there. The AVIM registers personal data, such as name, date of birth and nationality. The AVIM also takes fingerprints from all newcomers.
The AVIM is part of the national police and can be reached via the general number of the police: 0900-8844.
Register asylum seeker
The asylum seeker signs his asylum application in the application centre. An interview will follow with the IND to determine his identity, nationality and travel route.
After registration, the IND determines which procedure applies. In some cases there is a faster procedure.
The IND also checks whether someone is already registered in another country. An asylum seeker must go through his procedure in the country where he was first registered. This is in accordance with agreements in the European Union (EU). This is called the Dublin Regulation.
Rest and preparation time
The asylum seeker is given shelter. This is arranged by the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA). In addition, he will receive help from a lawyer and will undergo a medical examination. The IND also schedules the asylum procedure. To recover from his journey, an asylum seeker is given at least 6 days during the so-called rest and preparation time. Only then will the real asylum procedure start.
General Asylum Procedure (AA)
The asylum seeker goes through the general asylum procedure at the IND. As a rule, this procedure takes up to 8 days. In this, the asylum seeker tells his story and the IND assesses his application.
Extended asylum procedure
Sometimes the assessment cannot be made within 8 days, because more time is needed for research. The asylum seeker then enters the extended asylum procedure.
If you want our office to assist you in your asylum procedure, we request that you download and complete the proxy form. This allows our office to take a closer look at your asylum procedure and we receive your file documents.
Click on the “Download form” button to obtain the document, fill it out and sign it. You can then send the completed form to your lawyer by e-mail, fax or regular mail. If you have any questions or concerns about granting a power of attorney, please do not hesitate to contact your lawyer for advice.